This past week has been a bit upsetting, as the Peace Visionary blog that I’ve been posting on Open Salon for several years has been deleted. I only found out when I tried to log on and post an opinion piece that I’d written about Syria.
Dandelion Salad has carried many of my articles, and Lo posted the one I wrote on Syria, so it did get out there, but usually I post anything I write on my own blog first. Now it’s gone… by stealth attack. And all of my work has been wiped off. I can’t even post a comment on someone else’s blog on Open Salon.
Well, is my own website, so I’m going to see what I can find that I’ve written and published out there, and post it here. Perhaps it’s time to do some work on this website. I have to evaluate how I feel about being censored in my own country, and what this means about freedom of speech.
I wonder if it’s because of the article that I wrote a couple of years ago, “Rico to the Rescue” which I posted on September 11, 2011. I suggested using RICO to hold the banks accountable that were deemed “too big to fail”, the ones which got massive taxpayer bailouts in the crash of 2008. A class action suit was subsequently filed January 15, 2012 against JP Morgan and several individuals using RICO. I also found that someone had made reference to my article on the Occupy website.
It’s still upsetting that all links to my articles no longer work. Everything is gone.
Perhaps my Peace Visionary blog was muzzled because of the political pieces that I wrote which were critical of U.S. military madness.
Here is an excerpt of the lawsuit using RICO to enforce violations of the Commodity Exchange Act.
2. Plaintiffs bring this action to redress Defendants’ violations of the Commodity Exchange Act (the “CEA”), 7 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq., violations of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”), 18 U.S.C. § 1961, et seq., violations of the New York General Business Law, and violations of common law, including breaches of fiduciary duty, as alleged,with respect to money that was unlawfully taken from the commodities customer accounts of Plaintiffs and members of the proposed Class held at MF Global and/or that Defendants unlawfully failed to segregate, and which have not been returned to them.
UPDATE: Apparently my blog, along with some other people’s blogs, were mistakenly wiped out in an effort to clean up spam. I’ve sent a message to the people who operate Open Salon, and hopefully I will soon have my blog restored again.
About admin
Born October 11, 1953 in Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. My entire life, my major interests have been reading, studying, and writing. I also like traveling, singing, taking photos, and conversing with people. I have always been interested in the news and what is happening in the world. My inner life and being in nature are also important to me.
I'm a nomad, moving from one place to the next, experiencing the good and bad of different locales. I've lived by the sea, in the desert, in the mountains, in large cities and in rural areas. I can't say what I like best; each place has something special, although my preference is to live next to water, if possible.
I am a tree lover. I really see trees; you might my even say I worship them. It seems most of the photos that I take are of trees. I have been developing my ability to communicate on a telepathic level with animals, trees, and even people. My primary profession for the past 24 years has been teaching ESL. I have also worked as an executive assistant, legal secretary, and temporary administrative assistant.
In my avocations over the past decade, I have worked unceasingly as a political activist and lightworker. I more or less follow the shaman's path with dreams, ceremonies, gemstone healing and sound healing, communicating with spirit, and visioning. I call myself a peace visionary, but wrestle with my own tendency towards emotional violence that gets expressed in anger and rage. More and more, it seems, I find people's behavior towards each other and our planet intolerable. I often feel extremely alienated, but I understand that my exquisite sensitivity to the energy field, while making me more vulnerable, also makes it possible for me to tune into the heart of what's going on and to get the bigger picture.
My viewpoint has been shaped by many forces, both inner and outer... by my students learning English, my friends from many different countries, my language studies and travels, living in other countries, my interests and studies, which are many and varied, including science and technology, economics, international politics, alternative energy and building techniques, architecture, art, music, history, feminism, the oceans, environmentalism, esoteric studies, literature, Asian culture, etc.
I am single, I suppose by choice, although not always. It would seem that I have been repeatedly unlucky in love. If I am to have any dignity in my old age, I must resign myself to an ebb and flow in this regard, it would seem, although I would prefer a constant partner. I yearn for a constant partner, but like all yearning, it peaks and lessens, and sometimes entirely subsides.
Despite never having married, I had the wonderful good fortune to have a son at the end of my 32nd year. Raising him as a single mother was never easy, but I had great joy along the way watching him grow and go through all of the stages of becoming a man. I have never been prouder of anyone than I have been of my son.
When I was younger, it was so important for me to be independent; but, of course, I never really was. Then it was freedom that I really valued, but nobody is truly free in our world. Now, I suppose, I want to better understand how interdependent we all are, and to flow with what that really means in a graceful, open way.
Update 12/06/2024: I have found a partner to share my life with. I'm not ready to write much about this, but it changes everything.